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The Best Tips & Tricks in Health, Longevity, and Human Optimization.
Explore the best tips and tricks for enhancing your health, extending your longevity, and optimizing human performance. "The Daily Dose" offers expert insights on peak performance & flow state hacks, nutrition, health & fitness, mental well-being, and lifestyle strategies to help you unlock your full potential and lead a more ecstatic & fulfilling life.
Vitalija - Got Featured in VOGUE Magazine
"Being in Vogue is something I dreamt of as a little girl. I feel as thou working with Evan has unlocked my beliefs around abundance and has helped me manifest my deepest desires without even consciously chasing them."
"The first thing that comes to mind is that he completely reformats obstacles, goals, or prerogatives. The game-changing factor that he brings in doing this drastically changes the flow in a more meaningful and impactful way that not only brings efficiency, clarity, and greater purpose to the tasks in my life but also clears the way and creates connections with things that i had overlooked or not even considered. Expanding the spectrum of what i thought was possible and bringing richness which is the lifeblood of inspiration into my day-to-day flow."
"The guidance of Dr. Evan has been very transformational & life-changing. It has been so beneficial to get his advice and to be coached by him in situations even when I felt like there was no one else I could turn to. If you're thinking about working with him, this is something I highly put my stamp of approval on."
"Highly recommend Dr. Evan. Such a positive experience. He can motivate you so incredibly. We are working together to build my business & get my album launched. The feedback helps very much and really lifts me up."
"If you come in with low energy and vibration, that's fine because he's going to lift you up. If you come in vibing high, that's fine too because he's going to help you sustain it. The best part is the end result, you will leave with this elevated energy that makes you feel like you can conquer the world."
"My life has improved in every area since working with Evan. Since working together, my intuitive gifts have expanded, my relationship with myself and others has improved, and Iā€™m on a fast track to becoming the highest version of myself. His presence and offerings are such a blessing. I feel safe and heard while sharing my experiences and stories with him. His support and guidance are priceless to me and I am beyond grateful to be working with him."
"Dr. Evan is one of the most authentic pillars of light in the conscious community that I have ever met. He creates these quantum containers that allow me to go so deep & really open up to true healing and make powerful shifts on many different levels."
"Words do not express the level of positive growth and change I have experienced. The insights, wisdom, and encouragement have been the most influential. Aside from feeling and thinking better, learning to identify when things are flowing through me are keys to unlocking my potential."